Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020

Kontraktor landscape Tangerang

Selamat Datang Di Kontraktor landscape Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Hias

Kontraktor landscape Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman.Jasa Pembuatan taman murah & berkualitas jasa landacape murah,berkualitas,dan profesional,

Kontraktor landscape adalah Kontraktor landscape yang menawarkan jasa pembuatan taman,baik itu taman dengan skala besar,kecil,ataupun sedang,Kontraktor landscape tenaga kerja yang Ahli,Handal,Profesional dan pasti berkualitas,untuk pelayanan kami yang tersedia antara lain,Seperti:

Kontraktor landscape Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Melayani:

Jasa Pembuatan Taman Hias, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Minimalis, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Gedung, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kantor, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Mall, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Apartemen, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Vertical, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kering, Jasa Pembuatan Kolam Minimalis, Jasa Pembuatan Taman Kolam Renang, Jasa Pembuatan Relief Cadas dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan usaha kami.

Kontraktor landscape Tangerang Ahlinya Tanaman dan Taman Menyediakan atau Menjual Aneka Jenis Tanaman seperti:

Tanaman Hias, Tanaman Pohon Pelindung, Tanaman Rambat, Tanaman Bunga, Tanaman Buah, Tanaman Bambu dan lain-lain.

Kontraktor landscape juga menyediakan Aneka Jenis Rumput seperti Rumput Gajah Mini, Rumput Jepang, Rumput Gajah Mini Varigata, Rumput Gajah Biasa, Rumput Babat, Rumput Golf dan lain-lain.


  • Menjaga sumber air pegunungan dari erosi
  • Rumput vetiver dapat tumbuh di lahan kering sekalipun mengandung pasir
  • Rumput vetiver merupakan tanaman sejenis sereh wangi yang sangat banyak sekali manfaatnya selain untuk menanggulangi bahaya longsor dapat juga untuk kerajinan tangan yang akar nya banyak di manfaatkan. dan akarnya yang wangi sangat memiliki harga jual yang tinggi karna akarnya mengandung minyak vetiver dan pengendali erosi.


Rumput vetiver , atau yang di kenal juga dengan akar wangi, dapat tumbuh di perbukitan, daratan rendah bahkan di daerah rawa, atau pada tanah yang kondisinya buruk ( bekas tambang ) baik di daerah dengan curah hujan rendah maupun curah hujan tinggi. Sejak sebuah perang dunia II akar vetiver di ambil minyaknya ( minyak atsiri ) akar vetiver menyebar luas di dalam tanah dengan panjang akar mencapai 3 meter. Hal ini sangat membantu menstabilkan tanah, vetiver dengan akarnya yang panjang menghujam kedalam tanah dapat di jadikan alternatif pengendalian longsor yang cukup murah, vetiver dapat membantu menstabilkan tebing jalan maupun lereng lereng perbukitan , caranya adalah dengan menanamnya sebagai strip rumput yang di tanam dengan cara memotong lereng atau mengikuti kontur. Jarak strip atau penanaman yaitu 20 cm tiap titik di isi dengan bibit ( pe rumpun ) rumput vetiver.

Jasa Landscape Murah - Jasa Kontraktor landscape Tangerang

kami Kontraktor landscape group melayani jasa Kontraktor landscape, tanam rumput, tanam pohon, perapihan lahan, jasa pembuatan taman, kolam minimalis, kolam ikan hias, kolam ikan koi, kolam relief, saung, gazebo, carpot, dsb.

Kami pun menjual rumput taman :
- Rumput gajah mini
- Rumput gajah mini varigata
- Rumput gajah biasa
- Rumput jepang ( peking )
- Rumput menila
- Rumput babat
- Rumput swiss
- Rumput golf
- Rumput embun
- Rumput sintetis dengan aneka jenis.

Kami pun menjual aneka jenis tanaman hias, tanaman peneduh/pelindung.

Harga kami berani bersaing, apabila harga yang kami tawarkan lebih mahal dari yang lain. kami siap revisi harga penawaran kami.

Kontraktor landscape adalah profesional di bidang pertamanan, jasa pembuatan taman, kami menjual berbagai macam tanaman hias, tanaman pelindung, tanaman perdu, tanaman bonsai, tanaman air, tanaman buah, serta bibit tanaman, rumput, pot tanaman, pupuk tanaman, perawatan tanaman, menjual tanah untuk perataan lahan taman, pembuatan kolam, kolam minimalis, kolam relief, kolam air mancur, kolam kendi hias, kolam ikan modern/minimalis, pembuatan saung bambu, gazebo kelapa, pagar rumah.

Harga pembuatan taman Tangerang

Untuk harga pembuatan taman dapat dibicarakan setelah di dapat data dari survey yang kami lakukan, yaitu mengenai luas lahan, keadaan lahan, jenis dan jumlah tanaman yang harus digunakan (survey GRATIS). Kemudian kami mengajukan penawaran harga yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan taman yang anda harapkan.

 Jasa Kontraktor landscape dan tanaman hias di Tangerang

Cara Mudah Menanam Rumput Gajah Mini:

Rumput gajah ada beberapa macam; salah satunya rumput Gajah biasa, Rumput Gajah Mini (daunnya berwarna hijau saja dan bentuknya lebih kecil dibanding rumput gajah biasa sehinga tidak cepet panjang dan mudah merawatnya) dan Gajah Mini Varigata (bentuk daun sama dengan gajah mini, tetapi ada warna putih disetiap pinggir daunnya.

Untuk mulai menanmnya kita persiapkan:

  1. Rumput untuk bibit, untuk mendapatkannya bisa minta sama tetangga atau beli ditempat yang menjual rumput. Kontraktor landscape yang menyediakan lengkap segala macam Rumput, tanaman hias, pohon pelindung dan peneduh.
  2. Persiapkan lahan yang mau ditanami, pastikan lahan sudah bersih tidak ada puing", tidak ada alang" atau rumput liar dan sudah digemburkan, untuk memudahkan kita bisa mengurugnya dengan tanah yang baru atau bagus.
  3. Menanam, jika lahan sudah siap barulah bisa memulai untuk menanam dengan jarak tidak terlalu rapat dan tidak terlalu jarang.
  4. Ditumbuk atau dipadatkan, gunanya agar rumput yang sudah ditanam agar lebih merekat pada tanah tidak mudah lepas saat disiram. Rumput tidak akan mati karena cara penumbukannya dengan cara hati".
  5. Menyiram, setelah selesai proses penumbukan diharuskan segera disiram, agar rumput tidak stres bahkan mati dan kembali segar.
  6. Pupuk, berikan pupuk urea yang sudah dicampur dengan air agar rumput yang baru ditanam mendapatkan asupan gizi yang baik.

Demikian cara mudah menanam rumput gajah mini. Selamat mencoba semoga halaman anda menjadi lebih indah dan sejuk dipandang mata.


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Selasa, 07 Juli 2020

situs jasa seo berkualitas

Saat mengembangkan konten jasa seo murah, banyak pemasar mengira mereka mengetahui frase kata kunci target mereka, namun kemudian mereka salah. Misalnya,jasa seo konten saat ini sering kali mencakup bahasa pemasaran korporat, atau kata silam, istilah unik. Tetapi jika anggota audiens target tidak menggunakan frase tersebut dalam kueri penelusuran mereka, konten tersebut tidak akan menarik minat untuk melibatkan mereka. Jangan jatuh ke dalam perangkap berpikir Anda tahu frasa kata kunci Anda. Meskipun istilah unik mungkin memberi peringkat pada peringkat 1 No di Google, hal itu tidak akan banyak membantu Anda jika target pemirsa Anda tidak menelusuri istilah itu.

Meskipun ada baiknya menyertakan kata kunci dalam deskripsi meta yang Anda buat untuk halaman yang dioptimalkan sekitar persyaratan volume tinggi, perubahan algoritma mesin pencari akhir-akhir ini membuat pertimbangan ini menjadi kurang penting. Dalam banyak kasus, Google dan mesin pencari lainnya menarik teks dari halaman itu sendiri berdasarkan kueri penelusuran, bukan menampilkan deskripsi meta. Mengingat fakta ini, bersamaan dengan tampilan deskripsi meta yang lebih konsisten dan terkendali di situs media sosial, fokus pada persuasi terhadap kata kunci.

Setiap posting blog dan halaman situs jasa seo berkualitas harus memiliki deskripsi meta yang unik atau tidak sama sekali. Deskripsi meta duplikat mempengaruhi Google untuk mengabaikannya secara global di domain Anda. Seperti yang telah kita lihat, Google dan situs media sosial terkadang mengambil baris pertama konten di halaman web sebagai pengganti atau tanpa deskripsi meta. Oleh karena itu, sangat membantu untuk menulis baris konten pertama sehingga mereka dapat melipatgandakan sebagai deskripsi meta yang kuat, jika perlu. Sebagai contoh: Lihatlah dua kalimat pertama dari tulisan ini, yang ditulis dengan pemikiran ini.

Hal diatas merupakan bagian kecil dari SEO, Nah untuk Anda yang ingin tau lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi jasa seo murah Indonesia kami, kami akan selalu siap melayani Anda.

SEO sangat besar manfaatnya untuk meningkatkan popularitas dan eksistensi usaha online yang anda kelola. Untuk itu, mintalah kepada jasa seo murah yang Anda sewa tentang rekomendasi pemilihan niche dan keyword yang sesuai dengan niche yang anda pilih, sehingga optimisasi website/blog anda akan lebih efektif.

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

How to Use Baking Soda for Whiter Teeth

Having a row of white teeth is everyone's dream. However, to keep teeth white is not an easy matter. The use of baking soda for teeth is believed to be able to whiten teeth. Getting the benefits of white teeth, can be done by brushing your teeth with baking soda or using choosing toothpaste that contains baking soda.

Usage Steps

Well, for those of you who are interested in using baking soda for teeth, do the following:
  • Prepare a container or use your palm as a baking soda container. Afterwards, wet the toothbrush with water and apply the toothbrush to a container or palm containing baking soda. Think of baking soda as toothpaste and brush your teeth for about a minute.
  • The combination of strawberries and baking soda can whiten teeth naturally. You can make a paste with a mixture of these two ingredients. You do this by smoothing the strawberries first then mix with baking soda and stir until evenly distributed. After that, apply the paste to the teeth and let stand. After 5 minutes, then brush your teeth to remove the former mixture.
However, there are some things to consider when choosing baking soda for teeth. Although it is considered effective in removing stains on teeth, it is not recommended to use baking soda as a permanent substitute for teeth. Because, the fluoride content found in toothpaste is useful in preventing cavities, not in baking soda. As an alternative to still getting the benefits of baking soda, you can get around by choosing toothpaste that contains bicarbonate, which is the content contained in baking soda.

Whiten Teeth Can Not Be Done Recklessly!

In addition to baking soda for teeth, other natural ingredients such as lemon, apple vinegar, and turmeric are suspected to whiten teeth. However, the efficacy of these natural ingredients still requires further research. Another alternative that can be done to whiten teeth is to use drugs such as bleach strips, whitening gels, and whitening mouthwash. However, teeth whitening done with a dentist's supervision is recommended because it will give more maximum results. The security is more secure because it has been carried out first checks related to the condition and dental health of patients. Teeth whitening should be avoided without consulting a doctor, especially in conditions such as:
  • Having gum disease, worn tooth enamel and exposed tooth roots
  • Dark stained teeth
  • Pregnant
  • Still under 16 years old
  • Having teeth that are sensitive and allergic to teeth whitening ingredients
In addition, to maintain a row of teeth remain white, you should start to eliminate smoking, consuming soft drinks or caffeinated which can affect the color of teeth. Don't forget to brush your teeth every day and check your teeth regularly to the doctor every 6 months. Teeth whitening can be done in various ways and options, including using baking soda for teeth. But if you have special conditions, you should consult your teeth whitening efforts to ensure their safety.

How to Reduce Child's Fever and Recognize When Dangerous

When a child has a fever, don't panic right away. You can reduce a child's fever through treatment at home or use the appropriate medicine. Fever in children is not always a sign of danger. However, fever in children who reach 40 degrees Celsius, or fever in infants younger than 4 months who reach 37 degrees Celsius, should be immediately taken to the doctor.

Immune System

Fever is a sign that the immune system is fighting an infection that is happening or a disease that is starting to attack. The brain's role is to regulate body temperature to rise, when viruses or bacteria enter the body. Then, followed by encouraging white blood cells to work to attack and destroy the virus or bacteria. If the child has a fever but there are no significant symptoms or abnormalities, still want to eat and drink enough, there is no problem with urinating, you can take care of him at home until the fever goes down.

Perform Care at Home

Here are some ways you can do to reduce child fever with treatment at home:
  • Compress the child using a wet cloth that has been dipped in cold water. Position the child in a supine sleeping state and place the cloth on the forehead.
  • Give clothes that are lightweight, thin, and comfortable to help lower body temperature. Avoid using blankets when the child has a fever.
  • Make sure the child is well hydrated so as not to become dehydrated. Give soothing foods like yogurt and ice cream. In addition to keeping the body hydrated, cool food or drinks will help calm the body from the inside.
  • Keep the room temperature to stay comfortable. Use a fan with low temperature to get a cool room temperature. The thing to remember, avoid directing the fan directly to the child. If the child feels cold, turn off the fan.
  • Wash your child using warm water (lukewarm). Bath water that evaporates from a child's body will help lower body temperature. Avoid bathing him using cold water or alcohol, because it can cause his body temperature to increase.

When Should You See Your Child's Doctor?

If you have tried to reduce a child's fever with treatment at home, but his condition has not improved, it is advisable to take the child to the doctor for further examination. Body temperature that does not also go down could be a sign that the child is experiencing something serious that might even be life threatening. Beware of fever that is too high in children, can cause febrile seizures. In addition to the condition of fever that never goes down, you are advised to take the child to the doctor as soon as possible if the child's fever is accompanied by symptoms such as:
  • Ear pain.
  • A rash appears on the body.
  • Sore throat.
  • Neck that feels stiff (stiff neck).
  • Looks weak.
  • Looks suffering from pain.
  • Excessive sleepiness.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • There are signs of dehydration, such as dark urine.
  • It's hard to breathe.
  • Very fussy.
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days, in children aged 2 years and over. Or lasts more than 1 day, in children aged less than 2 years.
Take steps to reduce children's fever with treatment at home as initial help. Nevertheless you must remain vigilant and continue to monitor its progress. If the fever is very high or accompanied by dangerous symptoms, immediately take the child to the nearest doctor or hospital.

This is the use of thyroxine hormone examination

Thyroxine hormone testing is useful in checking the function of the thyroid gland, whether it works well or if it has problems. The thyroid gland will produce thyroid hormones. Meanwhile, thyroid hormone consists of 80% thyroxine hormone and 20% triiodotironin hormone.

Knowing the condition of the thyroid gland

For adults, thyroid hormones are needed to regulate the need to use incoming energy that influences the body's metabolism. In children, thyroid hormone plays an important role in accompanying normal growth and development. Meanwhile, the functions of the thyroxine and triiodotyronine hormones also support the development of the brain of a newborn baby. Thyroxine hormone testing can help your doctor determine the condition of your thyroid gland. An excess or deficiency of thyroid hormone risks causing hyperthyroidism or hypotioroidism or other conditions that can interfere with bodily functions. In addition, thyroxine hormone examination also serves to see the effectiveness of treatment for thyroid disease and to check whether the baby has a congenital thyroid problem that can affect its growth. Thyroxine (T4) hormone examination procedure is classified as having no specific risk. The risk arises when the procedure for taking blood is carried out. You may experience pain and discomfort during the blood draw procedure. You can also feel bruises and bleeding after the blood collection needle is pulled. In rare cases, you can experience serious complications in the form of excessive bleeding, infection, or inflammation of the veins.

Inspection Steps

There are two types of thyroxine hormone testing: total T4 levels and free T4 levels. Total T4 examination measures the overall thyroxine hormone, both those that have been bound to proteins in the blood and free T4. Meanwhile, free T4 examination only measures the level of the free thyroxine hormone. The preparation step for the examination of the thyroxine hormone is to inform the doctor about the treatment being undertaken. A number of drugs can affect the level of the hormone thyroxine in the thyroid gland. So it is important to inform the doctor about the medicines that are being consumed. You may be advised to stop taking certain medicines for a while. Some medications that can affect the level of the thyroxine hormone, namely:
  • Medications that contain estrogen, androgen or contraceptive pills.
  • Some drugs are taken to treat cancer.
  • Steroids and other drugs that can affect the thyroid.
Thyroxine hormone examination procedures must be carried out by a doctor or professional health worker. The doctor will initiate the taking of blood that is put into a special tube or small bottle, then taken to the laboratory and examined. The results of normal levels of thyroxine in the blood range from 4.5 to 11.2 micrograms per deciliter. High thyroxine hormone levels can indicate hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, high blood protein levels and others. Meanwhile, low levels of the thyroxine hormone can indicate hypothyroidism, malnutrition or other diseases. Perform thyroxine hormone levels according to doctor's advice. If the doctor has not been able to deduce your condition from these results, chances are the doctor will ask you to do a further examination.

Psychiatry and Psychology, Here's the Difference

Psychiatry is a medical field that specializes in mental health ranging from diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. While psychology is a non-medical field that studies a person's behavior and feelings, starting from the mindset, action, reaction, and also interaction. Psychiatry and psychology are both branches of science that are useful in helping patients with mental disorders or psychological distress. The difference is in the educational background, training, and scope of practice. Not only physical health, we also need to immediately seek help and treatment if you have mental health problems. But what often causes confusion is to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Both are trained mental health professionals who often work together in dealing with mental health problems and provide us with various ways to manage problems in everyday life. Although they look the same, psychologists and psychiatrists are actually different.

Psychologist, Psychologist

Psychologists have a professional degree in psychology, which is a discipline of thought and behavior. They learn to evaluate and handle people with mental and emotional disorders. A psychologist is allowed to provide counseling and psychotherapy, psychological testing, and other non-medical treatments for mental disorders. However, psychologists may not prescribe or perform medical procedures to patients. Often, psychologists work with psychiatrists or other doctors who can provide medical care for mental illness. Basically, in dealing with metal health disorders, psychologists play a role and help to:
  • Assess and deal with behavioral and cognitive problems and plan behavioral management programs.
  • Identify strengths and behaviors that can help patients succeed in rehabilitation.
  • Give patient and family counseling during times of stress, loss, and when sad or sad.
  • Identify feelings and emotions that might have an impact on patient recovery.

Psychiatrist, Psychiatrist

If psychologists come from the world of psychology, then psychiatrists come from the world of medicine. A psychiatrist is a doctor who specializes or expertise in preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental illness. Psychiatrists are trained to distinguish mental health problems from other medical conditions that can accompany or underlie the appearance of these psychiatric symptoms. Psychiatrists can also monitor the effect of mental illness on other physical illnesses (such as heart problems or high blood pressure), as well as the effects of medications on the body (for example weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, sleep, kidney function, or liver function). As a doctor, psychiatrists are, of course, permitted to write prescriptions. Many mental disorders can be effectively treated with certain medications, for example depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bipolar disorder.

Psychologist or Psychiatrist?

If you feel you need help due to mental problems, the first thing you can do is go to a general practitioner. Why? Sometimes mental problems can be caused by physical illness. Our body can also respond physically to the mental conditions that are experienced, such as depression or anxiety that often resemble ordinary physical illness. The doctor will ask what symptoms we experience, how long the symptoms have appeared, and whether the symptoms appear continuously or disappear. Followed by physical examination to look for possible physical disorders that may be related to the appearance of these symptoms. From the results of the examination, the general practitioner can help us determine the mental health expert and the appropriate type of therapy. Psychologists and psychiatrists coordinate with each other as a team in diagnosing and providing the best therapy for sufferers of mental health disorders.

How to Overcome Depression with Thought and Behavior Therapy

Depression is a condition that can be overcome if treatment is started as soon as possible. One way to deal with depression that is proven to be able to prevent this condition from attacking again is psychological therapy for mindset and behavior. Depression is a mental health disorder that affects thinking, behavior and emotions. One of the characteristics of this disorder is that it makes you think that life has no meaning to live so that it results in loss of passion in doing daily activities. Whereas sad and fussy are some of the symptoms of depression in children. If not treated immediately, depression can have a serious impact on the lives of sufferers. You can fall into bad habits that endanger health, such as drug abuse and alcoholic drinks. Another bad habit that might also be done is self-injury to a suicide attempt. Dealing with the problem of depression, often requires professional medical help from psychologists and psychiatrists, this is useful to identify the real problem that occurs, and what treatment is appropriate for the conditions experienced, generally the approach to handling this condition needs to be done holistically, both through treatment as well as psychotherapy .

How Can You Deal With Depression With Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is considered as one of the most effective ways to deal with depression. Because this therapy can help you recognize and change your mindset and behavior towards something that triggers depression. By changing your mindset, behavior, lifestyle, and starting healthy physical activities, you can reduce the disorders caused by depression and fight depression in addition to the help of medications given by psychiatrists as needed, psychotherapy is also able to prevent depression from returning after treatment. Here is the application of how to deal with depression based on various types of psychological therapy, such as cognitive and interpersonal behavior. Immediately do some of these tips so that you do not continue to drag on the grief that breaks motivation and ruins daily activities, hobbies, and even sexual relations with a partner.
  • Practice fighting every negative thought that comes by using logic. In this way you will develop your tolerance and overcome problems with more positive and healthier behaviors.
  • Do new, different, and fun things every time you start to feel depressed or a negative aura attacking, for example by taking diving classes. Doing new things will make you feel challenged, thereby stimulating and increasing the hormone dopamine associated with pleasure, pleasure and learning.
  • Keep a diary that tells about your mood to help see negative feelings from a different perspective. This therapy is also a reminder of positive things that have happened in your life, it is also advisable to note at least one positive thing that happens every day, thus it can train you to keep thinking and behave positively.
  • Maintaining social contact is one way to combat the isolation that triggers depression. Increase communication with family or friends or close relatives that you trust, so you do not feel alone, empty, or meaningless.
  • Make a new routine that keeps you motivated with an attractive and more organized daily life, has new goals or responsibilities that are more realistic, and avoids mood swings or old thought patterns that cause depression.
  • Doing sports such as walking 3-5 times a week for 20-30 minutes can trigger endorphin hormone production, so as to increase mood to be more excited and excited.
  • Have enough sleep at least 6 to 8 hours per day. Lack of sleep and excessive sleep can worsen depression.
Make sure you have consulted with a psychologist or psychiatrist, and go through the efforts to overcome depression in accordance with the advice given. Various ways to deal with depression will certainly be more effective with the support and participation of family and relatives. You can jointly join a support group for fellow sufferers of depression, where you can exchange ideas and experiences in overcoming depression, so you can better understand this condition. If you start to feel signs of depression again, or feel a disorder that can not be handled by yourself, do not hesitate to seek help from experts, before the problem gets worse.
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