Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

How to Overcome Depression with Thought and Behavior Therapy

Depression is a condition that can be overcome if treatment is started as soon as possible. One way to deal with depression that is proven to be able to prevent this condition from attacking again is psychological therapy for mindset and behavior. Depression is a mental health disorder that affects thinking, behavior and emotions. One of the characteristics of this disorder is that it makes you think that life has no meaning to live so that it results in loss of passion in doing daily activities. Whereas sad and fussy are some of the symptoms of depression in children. If not treated immediately, depression can have a serious impact on the lives of sufferers. You can fall into bad habits that endanger health, such as drug abuse and alcoholic drinks. Another bad habit that might also be done is self-injury to a suicide attempt. Dealing with the problem of depression, often requires professional medical help from psychologists and psychiatrists, this is useful to identify the real problem that occurs, and what treatment is appropriate for the conditions experienced, generally the approach to handling this condition needs to be done holistically, both through treatment as well as psychotherapy .

How Can You Deal With Depression With Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is considered as one of the most effective ways to deal with depression. Because this therapy can help you recognize and change your mindset and behavior towards something that triggers depression. By changing your mindset, behavior, lifestyle, and starting healthy physical activities, you can reduce the disorders caused by depression and fight depression in addition to the help of medications given by psychiatrists as needed, psychotherapy is also able to prevent depression from returning after treatment. Here is the application of how to deal with depression based on various types of psychological therapy, such as cognitive and interpersonal behavior. Immediately do some of these tips so that you do not continue to drag on the grief that breaks motivation and ruins daily activities, hobbies, and even sexual relations with a partner.
  • Practice fighting every negative thought that comes by using logic. In this way you will develop your tolerance and overcome problems with more positive and healthier behaviors.
  • Do new, different, and fun things every time you start to feel depressed or a negative aura attacking, for example by taking diving classes. Doing new things will make you feel challenged, thereby stimulating and increasing the hormone dopamine associated with pleasure, pleasure and learning.
  • Keep a diary that tells about your mood to help see negative feelings from a different perspective. This therapy is also a reminder of positive things that have happened in your life, it is also advisable to note at least one positive thing that happens every day, thus it can train you to keep thinking and behave positively.
  • Maintaining social contact is one way to combat the isolation that triggers depression. Increase communication with family or friends or close relatives that you trust, so you do not feel alone, empty, or meaningless.
  • Make a new routine that keeps you motivated with an attractive and more organized daily life, has new goals or responsibilities that are more realistic, and avoids mood swings or old thought patterns that cause depression.
  • Doing sports such as walking 3-5 times a week for 20-30 minutes can trigger endorphin hormone production, so as to increase mood to be more excited and excited.
  • Have enough sleep at least 6 to 8 hours per day. Lack of sleep and excessive sleep can worsen depression.
Make sure you have consulted with a psychologist or psychiatrist, and go through the efforts to overcome depression in accordance with the advice given. Various ways to deal with depression will certainly be more effective with the support and participation of family and relatives. You can jointly join a support group for fellow sufferers of depression, where you can exchange ideas and experiences in overcoming depression, so you can better understand this condition. If you start to feel signs of depression again, or feel a disorder that can not be handled by yourself, do not hesitate to seek help from experts, before the problem gets worse.

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